Monday, May 30, 2011

A Shoe Situation

Shirt: J. Crew | Cardigan: Gap | Jeans: American Eagle | Shoes: Spring | Bracelet: Gift from Cuba

Apparently I have a problem with choosing the right pair of shoes for the occasion. In my last outfit post, I wore a pair of riding-style boots to the beach. On a very warm day. Clearly, not the best idea. So when I got dressed today, I decided not to wear boots (as it is no longer winter) and to wear my new clog-type heels. To walk through the woods. In the middle of a wet, rainy spring. Yeah, that definitely was not a good idea either. I nearly twisted my ankle hopping over puddles and I had mud all over my jeans.

I bought a wireless camera for my DSLR in hopes of making outfit photos a more pleasurable experience. Having to set the self timer, run to the designated location, then go back to the camera and check the photo (possibly having to reset it and do it all again) results in a lot of beheaded photos of myself. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced the camera before I got a chance to use it! Darn those small electronics with legs! My mom is currently on a painting frenzy in our house and I'm hoping it was just misplaced in the process of rearranging furniture.

I apologize for not posting a real update in what feels like forever! These days, my outfits usually consist of a pair of scrubs, a hoodie, and athletic sneakers. And on my days off, I spend the majority of my time in pajamas, trying to recover from working three 12-hour shifts. I didn't even get dressed until close to suppertime today, so it's a wonder that I even have outfit photos to post.

My clinical rotation is on the obstetrics unit, but because it's such a small hospital, we also get labour & delivery, pediatrics, gynecology and some medicine patients on the floor as well. I absolutely love it there! Even though the past two weeks have been really slow, I have learned a lot thus far. I've successfully completed a number of IVs, watched three deliveries, performed a number of assessments, monitored fetal heart rates, swaddled newborns, and more. I wish I could go into more details about my experience but I don't want to accidentally give out too much information and run the risk of legal troubles, given that it is such a small hospital in an area where everyone knows everyone else. All I will say is that I absolutely love it here and I'm hoping to be able to get a job on this unit when I graduate next year!


Becky said...

Haha awww, I tend to do the same. i hate rainy weather because I never know what to wear -_- I need to invest in rain boots!!!

maggeygrace said...

Haha, I NEVER wear the right shoes! Rainy weather is the worst, too, because you have to wear flare jeans with tennis shoes and if you wear flats, they get soaked. And 99% of my closet is skinny jeans. Bahhhh! It's a serious conondrum. That's for sure.

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